Whether your kids attended a fall festival at school or you hosted a costume party at home this season, chances are your family is still munching away at a few (dozen) mini-sized chocolate and candy bars.

But if those chocolate bars are crumbling, flaking, and falling onto your carpets, you’ll need to learn a few cleaning tricks to remove sweet treats from carpet fibers.
Follow these techniques recommended by Stainmaster ® carpet manufacturer to help remove tough stains from carpet:
- Scoop up and blot as much of the chocolate as possible. Vacuum dry particles.
- Prepare a vinegar solution of 2 tablespoons vinegar to 4 cups warm water.
- Test the cleaning solution on a small spot of carpet to make sure it doesn’t discolor or damage the carpet. If this occurs, you should call a professional at ServiceMaster Clean In A Wink to remove the spot.
- Apply cleaning solution to a cloth and use the cloth to apply to carpet. Work from the outside of the spot toward its center.
- Leave the cleaning solution on the carpet for at least five minutes.
- Blot with a white cloth until no more residue transfers to the cloth.
- Rinse with cold water.
- If you still see the spot, repeat blotting process until removed.
If the chocolate remains, call ServiceMaster Clean In A Wink at (316) 925-7943 for professional carpet cleaning help.
Source: www.stainmaster.com/page/ideas-and-advice/carpet-care/stain-removal-guide/chocolate
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