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Make Your Floors and Furniture Look More Like New

We are looked Back to the Future this month. In our business, we strive to make your floors and furniture go back to looking like new. Studies show that your floors are a visitor's first impression of the inside of your home or business the majority of the time.

Keep your carpet looking better longer by making sure you follow these tips from carpet manufacturers:

1. Vacuum high traffic areas daily and wall to wall weekly.

2. Spot clean any stains or spills immediately with products recommended specifically for your type of carpet.

3. Deep clean your carpet twice per year using a cleaning process also recommended for your type of carpet.

4. Use rugs or mats at entryways to help keep dirt outside the room and off the carpet.

Keep hard surface flooring looking better longer by following these recommendations:

1. Sweep or dust mop daily to prevent buildup of dirt that can be ground into the finish.

2. Clean the floor weekly with a cleaner specifically designed to work with your type of flooring and finish. Improper use of cleaners can damage the floors potentially requiring refinishing to repair.

3. Be sure you are using a clean mop and change rinse water frequently so you are not mopping dirt and chemicals back onto your clean floors.

4. Allow the floor to dry completely before walking on it or replacing furniture moved for the cleaning.

5. Use felt pads on the feet of your furniture to protect the flooring from scratching when furniture is moved.

6. Deep clean your floors once to twice per year to remove ground in dirt to protect the finish.

Now that your floors look great, what about your furniture?

1. Vacuum weekly to remove dirt, crumbs and other debris. Be sure to get in cracks around the framing and underneath too.

2. While you are vacuuming, take the time to fluff and rotate the cushions. People tend to always sit the same way in the same spot so rotation will extend the life of your cushion fabric and padding.

3. Spot clean all stains and spills immediately with a cleaner designed to work on the particular fabric (or leather or suede) that your furniture is covered with after blotting up as much as you can with a clean cloth.

4. Avoid leaving furniture in direct sunlight for long periods of time to protect the fabric from fading.

5. Deep clean once to twice per year to remove ground in dirt and odor.

ServiceMaster 5 Points Athens has been cleaning floors and furniture for over 30 years so we know the best way to deep clean any type of flooring or upholstery. Follow the tips above to extend the life of your floors and furniture into the future, and let us perform the deep cleanings to get them back to looking like new.
